May was a great month for income thanks to a rare windfall. I received part of my inheritance, most of which I used to pay down one of my mortgages. In fact, of the $19,900 I received after taxes, I used $17,600 towards one mortgage and the balance to pay other debt.
I had one empty property which is now available to rent. I decided to spend a fairly significant amount of money in May on improvements, and am trying to get an extra $50 in rent based on those improvements. I hardly did any mystery shopping and virtually all the income was from previous months. This will show when I report my June mystery shopping income.
May Income
$2,149 Mystery Shopping
$7,043 Rental Income
$7,043 Rental Income
$22,326 Other Sources
$31,518 Total Income for May
- I don't include transactions in my retirement accounts. This includes rental income, dividends and capital gains and losses.
- I include merchandising and hospitality work in the mystery shopping category since the companies that I shop for provide this extra side work.
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